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Re: ATutor 1.5.3 Cross Site Scripting

>The mentioned SQL injection vulnerability is not possible. Please
>remove it.

Could you explain this further?

In 1.5.3, edit_forum() in forums.inc.php has the following:

        $sql    = "UPDATE ".TABLE_PREFIX."forums SET title='$_POST[title]', 
description='$_POST[body]' WHERE forum_id=$_POST[fid]";
        $result = mysql_query($sql,$db);

where is appears that $_POST[fid] is directly inserted into the SQL

In, a new statement has been added to the same function, just
before the two statements above:

        $_POST['fid']    = intval($_POST['fid']);

This looks like cleansing that would be relevant for SQL injection.

For those who were wondering, both $_POST['title'] and $_POST['body']
are re-set using addslashes:

  $_POST['title']  = $addslashes($_POST['title']);
  $_POST['body']   = $addslashes($_POST['body']);

- Steve