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Re: [ECHO_ADV_38$2006] Multiple Mambo/Joomla Component Remote File Include Vulnerabilities


El jue, 13-07-2006 a las 01:35 +0000, matdhule@xxxxxxxxx escribió:
> require_once( $mosConfig_absolute_path .
> '/includes/domit/xml_domit_lite_include.php' );
> ------------------------------------------------------------
> Variables $mosConfig_absolute_path are not properly sanitized. When
> register_globals=on
> and allow_fopenurl=on an attacker can exploit this vulnerability with
> a
> simple php injection script.

I think that even if allow_fopenurl is not on you can open remote files
by using UNC style paths, such as \\mymachine\myresource\, of course,
under Win32 environments.

Zer gutxi balio duen langileen bizitza

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