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Re: PHP security (or the lack thereof)

* Geo. (geoincidents@xxxxxxx) wrote:
> ...
> >   "The configuration flexibility of PHP is equally rivalled by the code
> > flexibility. PHP can be used to build complete server applications,
> > with all the power of a shell user, or it can be used for simple
> > server-side includes with little risk in a tightly controlled
> > environment. How you build that environment, and how secure it is, is
> > largely up to the PHP developer."
> And is the default install wide open or tightly controlled? I mean from a
> security standpoint we have been screaming for years at Microsoft to change
> their defaults to firewall on and things locked instead of open.
> Is php secure by default when it's installed on a server?

This question does not really have any meaning. If you ask, if php
_applications_ are secure by default, the answer is of course "it
depends" (most php applications are broken. Just do a 
"grep -R eval ." and see for yourself)

The php safe_mode is not really safe. magic_quotes_gpc is broken by
design. Where does that leave us? Write secure code, validate all input
or get hacked, as is the case with every other software/language.