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Re: Re: MS Excel Remote Code Execution POC Exploit

"Steven M. Christey" <coley@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> * Advisories:
> * http://www.microsoft.com/technet/security/advisory/921365.mspx
> * http://www.securityfocus.com/bid/18422/

There are at least three separate Excel issues that were published in
the past week.  These references suggest that it's the "zero-day"
exploit from last Friday (CVE-2006-3059).

However, the Microsoft blog and CERT advisories do not provide any
details about that issue, not even about the bug type.

Microsoft states at their Security Advisory #921365 that the first Excel 
vulnerability is exploited when Excel enters Repair Mode.
Details about the affected component is not published, however. See Workarounds 
for Microsoft Excel Remote Code Vulnerability section.

So, it's not clear to me whether this is really an exploit for last
Friday's zero-day, or if this is actually a brand new vulnerability.

Any clarification would be appreciated.

- Steve

It appears that two references mentioned in code posting Steve points are 
Code posting says about error while handling malformed URL strings; i.e. 
vulnerability mentioned at


Some vendors use title related to Office vulnerability, some use term Windows 

Another problem is, that there are 0-day characterics in all of these three 
It will cause similarities in namig process. It is not good.
Additionally, we have several code execution type Excel vulnarabilities with 
similar names now.

- Juha-Matti