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Jiwa Financials - Reporting allows execution of arbitrary reports as SQL user with full permissions.
- To: bugtraq@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
- Subject: Jiwa Financials - Reporting allows execution of arbitrary reports as SQL user with full permissions.
- From: Robert@xxxxxxxxxx
- Date: 30 May 2006 05:31:37 -0000
Date: 28/5/2006
Product: Jiwa Financials 6.4.14 - http://www.jiwa.com.au/
Vulnerability: Reporting allows execution of arbitrary reports as SQL user with
Product Background
On execution Jiwa Financials authenticates users against a username/password
database On a SQL server to access that users access level.
To do this it gets its SQL connection details from a .ini file located on the
users Application Data folder called Jiwalog.ini
The contents of the file are as follows:
LastUserName=<last user>
Within maininifile.ini it sets out the users menu amongst other things ie.
' Menu Start
ShowGST= 0
Module004=Sales Order Entry,3
Module006=Purchase Orders,5
Module007=General Ledger,4
Module008=Monthly Reports,2
Ok so there?s the main menu drawn for the user ? note a standardized .ini file
for the entire site is common place
Placing all modules on the main menu and just restricting access per module
when one tries to access it.
When a user executes any menu option to run a report, it loads the report
module which is standard across the board and passes
To the reporting module, the report object that was listed on the menu the user
The report files are all Crystal Reports and are stored on a common mapped
network drive ? generally J drive.
The full path and filename to the .rpt file is detailed on the screen in a
textbox with a command button to the right of it that
Allows the user to browse for another location or report ? THIS INCLUDES ANY
ie. The local My Documents for the evil user.
This is a feature apparently because it allows the users to specify different
report file versions etc
Ok now for the issue
User logs into Jiwa Financials, goes into Sales Order Processing which is
standard for anyone that generates an invoice ? ie. People working out on the
front desk selling products over the counter ? not a staff level you want to
give access to your general ledger or anything else.
Create a blank crystal report file and point it at a Jiwa table called HR_Staff
for example.
Create the report using a dummy database.
The username, password and data source including database name is passed to the
report at runtime ? all you need correct is the table name that you could just
get anyway from Systables?
Now because the guy that works at front counter - although having some remote
clue on how to use the Crystal Report Wizard ? he doesn?t have access to save
the .rpt file to the network drive with the other reports nor would he want to
because he may get caught that way so he either saves it to his USB drive and
it appears as a locally available drive.
He goes into his sales order report to look up a customers previous quote or
anything remotely using the reporting module - given the application does
pretty much everything output wise through different Crystal Reports, that?s
pretty easy.
He then clicks the Command button to change the location of the .rpt file to
his USB Drive ie. E:\Evil_Jiwa_RPT\Userlist.rpt
He then selects ?Print To Screen? to the left of the command button.
He then clicks the ?Print Button? and waits for the few seconds it takes to
What has actually happened
Because the Jiwa application passes the username/password/data source details
directly to the .rpt file, it uses the same SQL user account that the rest of
the application uses that has full SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE AND EXECUTE
An example of one of the standard stored proceedures in the Jiwa distribution
allows you to drop the primary key from a table with the table name - these
stored proceedures are executable from this reporting user.
This applications technology leaves a lot to be desired.
When you execute the application, the login screen has ?ActiveX Three Teir
Client Server? up the left hand side and ?Client Server Accounting? written
horizontally above the username/password textbox?s.
The only thing installed on the ?SERVER? is Microsoft SQL Server and the Jiwa
Database plus a truckload of .rpt files.
In no way whatsoever is this application a three tier client server solution
and that is something the company refuses to accept.
All usernames and passwords are TRANSMITTED in clear text to the local SQL
Server ODBC driver from the application.
All usernames and passwords are STORED in clear text in the SQL Server Database
in the table HR_Staff
Not even simple base64 encoding has been used.
There is no administrative control over users menu options.
Far too many variables are available and changeable on the user end outside the
control of the network administrators.
There is no remote attempt to validate access to reports vs users seen in any
previous revisions I have seen and 6.4.14 is current.
Bottom line ? if you have this application on your site ? you are vulnerable ?
at this stage there is no current patch.
Company Response
Mr Mike Sheen of Jiwa Australia has responded calling this a low risk. As far
as I?m concerned, the general ledger, lists of creditors and debitors is a
considerable risk to any company let alone one turning over millions of dollars
per year.
Jiwa have promised to encrypt the passwords in the database in their next
commercial release.
To quote his email on 28/5/06:
The vulnerability of walking up to any machine running Jiwa, pointing it to an
"evil" report to cause malicious damage or reveal sensitive information will
So it seems the company doesn?t care?
Robert Passlow