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Re: Destiney Rated Images Script v0.5.0 - XSS Vulnv
- To: bugtraq@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
- Subject: Re: Destiney Rated Images Script v0.5.0 - XSS Vulnv
- From: webmaster@xxxxxxxxxxxx
- Date: 23 May 2006 02:50:36 -0000
> Effected Files:
You mean affected? `Effected` is not a word.
> addWeblog.php
I pasted the following example XSS code into both form fields, and saw no
evidence of XSS vulnerabilities:
<DIV STYLE="background-image: url(javascript:alert('XSS'))">
<DIV STYLE="background-image: url(javascript:alert('XSS'))">
<DIV STYLE="width: expression(alert('XSS'));">
Did you have an example of a <div> tag that works?
> leaveCommentReply.php
Since the same form input cleansing code is in place for all forms and incoming
GPC data site-wide, I did not test this form page.
> stats.php
> ------
> stats.php Exploit:
> SQL Injection of stats.php leads to full path disclosures.
> Example:
> http://www.example.com/stats.php?s=SELECT SUM( rating )FROM ds_image_ratings
> WHERE created ='x'
> Notice: Undefined variable: scriptName in
> /home/destiney/domains/ratedsite.com/public_html/stats.php on line 624
> Notice: Undefined variable: alt in
> /home/destiney/domains/ratedsite.com/public_html/stats.php(640) : > eval()'d
> code on line 4
> Notice: Undefined variable: desc in
> /home/destiney/domains/ratedsite.com/public_html/stats.php(640) : eval()'d
> code on line 8
Full path disclosure only occurs when the error reporting level $GLOBALS[
'SITE_DEBUG' ] is set on. In production mode, $GLOBALS[ 'SITE_DEBUG' ] = 0, so
full paths are never shown. I don't consider this an exploit as the script
users are told the proper setting for production deployment is 0. Neverthless
I have changed the default setting from 1 to 0 in the distribution copy of
> addWeblog.php Exploit:
> The input box for addweblog.php and leaveComments.php allows ceritan HTML
> tags include the <div> tag.
> The comment reply input boxes not allow ceritan html tags, one being the
> <div> tag A user can add java script to the div tag and commit a XSS.
Even though I am unable to find any example XSS code that works as you
described, I will go ahead and remove the <div> tag from the allowed tag list
in the config.php-dist file.
Alot of people use this script, thanks for no early/private disclosure