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Advisory: Quezza BB <= 1.0 File Inclusion Vulnerability.
- To: submit@xxxxxxxxxxx, full-disclosure@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, bugtraq@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
- Subject: Advisory: Quezza BB <= 1.0 File Inclusion Vulnerability.
- From: Mustafa Can Bjorn IPEKCI <nukedx@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Date: Wed, 17 May 2006 07:38:01 +0300
--Security Report--
Advisory: Quezza BB <= 1.0 File Inclusion Vulnerability.
Author: Mustafa Can Bjorn "nukedx a.k.a nuker" IPEKCI
Date: 17/05/06 05:37 AM
ICQ: 10072
MSN/Email: nukedx@xxxxxxxxxx
Web: http://www.nukedx.com
Vendor: Quezza (http://www.quezza.com/)
Version: 1.0 and prior versions must be affected.
About: Via this methods remote attacker can include arbitrary files to
Quezza.quezza_root_path variable in class_template.php
did not sanitized before using it.You can find vulnerable code in
class_template.php at line 21
-Source in class_template.php-
21: include($quezza_root_path . 'includes/template.' . $phpEx);
-End of source-
Fixing this vulnerability so easy turn off register_globals and add
this code to source before line 21
if ( !defined('IN_QUEZZA') )
die('Hacking attempt');
Level: Highly Critical
Succesful exploitation needs allow_url_fopen set to 1 and register_globals on
GET ->
If magic_quotes_gpc off remote attacker can include local files too
* 17/05/2006: Vulnerability found.
* 17/05/2006: Contacted with vendor and waiting reply.
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