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RE: Is MS06-018 a DoS or a system compromise ?
- To: "'Nick Boyce'" <nick.boyce@xxxxxxxxx>, <bugtraq@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Subject: RE: Is MS06-018 a DoS or a system compromise ?
- From: "Maxime Ducharme" <mducharme@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Date: Mon, 15 May 2006 16:01:23 -0400
Hello Nick and people on the list
I have seen 2 servers last month which have been
hacked and actively used to scan TCP 3372 on foreign
There were servers which had port 3372 accessible
(a firewall rule misconfiguration was making TCP ports
>3000 accessible on the Internet)
I was not able to find any tool which was used to
hack the server on this port, but I think DTC was the culprit.
These servers had also port 53 (DNS) accessible, they
were running win2k with about 3 weeks of patch missing,
no other services were on (no iis, "server" service turned off,
on TCP/IP binded on NIC, ...)
I found tools on the hacked servers : "infoscan.exe" 1.0
from uhhuhy (cnhonker.com), and dfind.exe from class101.org,
and log files of recent scans which were corresponding to the
complaints the server's owner received.
The tools were placed in recycler directory, the hacker seems to
have been able to send commands or get a remote shell.
I'd be interested to hear information about remote code
execution on this port if you find some, these details make
me think a serious problem exists in DTC service.
Thanks and have a nice day
Maxime Ducharme
-----Message d'origine-----
De : Nick Boyce [mailto:nick.boyce@xxxxxxxxx]
Envoyé : 13 mai, 2006 20:25
À : bugtraq@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Objet : Is MS06-018 a DoS or a system compromise ?
There seems to be some confusion in MS Security Bulletin MS06-018,
"Vulnerability in Microsoft Distributed Transaction Coordinator".
The bulletin itself
states :
"An attacker could cause the Microsoft Distributed
Transaction Coordinator (MSDTC) to stop responding.
Note that the denial of service vulnerability would
not allow an attacker to execute code or to elevate
their user rights, but it could cause the affected
system to stop accepting requests."
whereas the linked download pages for both the Win2K and WinXP patches
state :
"A security issue has been identified in the
Microsoft Distributed Transaction Controller
service that could allow an attacker to compromise
your Windows-based system and gain control over it."
The related McAfee advisory
(http://seclists.org/lists/bugtraq/2006/May/0215.html) states :
"Exploitation can at most lead to a denial of service
and therefore the risk factor is at medium."
so I guess DoS is what it is ... but it would still be nice if someone
in the know could confirm the download pages are wrong .... anyone
from Microsoft here ?
Nick Boyce
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