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Vulnerabilities in MODx

 k  k         kkkk kk   kkkk  k  k  kkkkkk kkkkkk    kkkk   k    k   k   k  k
 k k         k   k  k  k   k  k k     kk   k     k  k    k  kk   k   k   k k
 kk   <><>   kkkkk  k  kkkkk  kk      kk   kkkkkk   k    k  k k  k   k   kk
 k k         k      k  k      k k     kk   k   k    k    k  k  k k   k   k k
 k  k         kkkk  kk  kkkk  k  k    kk   k    k    kkkk   k   kk   k   k  k

]=- Vulnerabilities in ModX

 Author   : Rusydi Hasan M
 a.k.a    : cR45H3R
 Date     : April,13th 2006
 Location : Indonesia, Cilacap

]=- Software description

 Version : 0.9.1
 URL     : http://modxcms.com

]=- the bugs

1. XSS || [C]ross [S]ite [S]cripting
2. Reverse Directory Transversal with NULL injection

]=- PoC

[1] XSS


 E[x]ample :

[2] Reverse directory Transversal + NULL injection


 E[x]ample :

 PHP error debug
  ): failed to open stream: Permission denied

]=- Vendor

 Not contact

]=- Shoutz

# fwerd,chiko,cbug,ladybug,litherr,cybertank,cyb3rh3b,cahcephoe,scut,degleng,etc
# y3dips, moby, comex, z3r0byt3, K-159, c-a-s-e, S`to, lirva32, anonymous, the
# ph03n1x,ghoz,spyoff,slackX,r34d3r,xnuxer,sakitjiwa,m_beben

]=- Contact

 crasher@xxxxxxxxxxxx || http://kecoak.or.id