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Re: SendGate: Sendmail Multiple Vulnerabilities (Race Condition DoS, Memory Jumps, Integer Overflow)
- To: "D.F.Russell" <DFRussell@xxxxxxxxxxx>, <bugtraq@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Subject: Re: SendGate: Sendmail Multiple Vulnerabilities (Race Condition DoS, Memory Jumps, Integer Overflow)
- From: "Kurt Seifried" <bt@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Date: Sat, 25 Mar 2006 14:54:56 -0700
I think the people complaining should look at their fears, it appears to me
that they are coming from a position of fear (lack of percieved control over
their systems, etc.) which is leading to anger and hatred that is being
directed outwards (at the closest target which to them is the people
actually responsible for the software and in a position of power/control). I
also suspect they have fears of not appearing to be in control or a position
of power with others (a.k.a. approval seeking behavior) which results in
this posturing behavior that actually results in them appearing quite
helpless and childlike (quite the opposite of how they want to appear).
It's interesting that the people being attacked have made significant to
huge positive contributions to the world (sendmail was the killer app for
the Internet, which in turn depended on BIND), ditto for OpenSSH, it's the
killer app for remote access, or maintaining the security of widely used
operating systems.
On the side of the complainers I ... well to be frank I'm not aware of any
positive contributions they have made to the world.
Can we please end this thread? The longer it goes on the more angry and
bitter the complainers are going to become which isn't benefiting anyone.