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Re: SendGate: Sendmail Multiple Vulnerabilities (Race Condition DoS, Memory Jumps, Integer Overflow)

I have to comment on these allegations by Gadi Evron.

Tech details:
Sendmail vulnerabilities were released yesterday. No real public
announcements to speak of to the security community.

Sendmail, CERT, and ISS Advisories went out. That's not a "real public announcement"?

SecuriTeam released some data:
"Improper timeout calculation, usage of memory jumps and integer
overflows allow attackers to perfom a race condition DoS on
sendmail, and may also execute arbitrary code."
More here: http://www.securiteam.com/unixfocus/5RP0L0UI0S.html

ISS only reported the Race Condition (DoS?). The Sendmail Advisory
reported the Race Condition DoS, the Memory Jumps and a
"theoretical" Integer Overflow.

To begin with, anyone noticed the memory leak they (Sendmail)
silently patched?
I wonder how many other unreported silently-patched
vulnerabilities are out there?

There was no memory leak. Look at the code referred to by SecuriTeam (see <http://www.securiteam.com/unixfocus/5SP0M0UI0G.html>):

/* clean up buf after it has been expanded with args */
newstring = str2prt(buf);
if ((strlen(newstring) + idlen + 1) < SYSLOG_BUFSIZE)
 if (buf == buf0)
  buf = NULL;     <- Memory leak
 errno = save_errno;

The part they conveniently left out is that buf0 is a local variable. If buf == buf0 then you don't need to free it --- freeing it would, in fact, be a bug. This should be obvious to anyone looking at the code.

Second, the Integer Overflow is practical, not theoretical.

It is theoretical because the routines in question (rewrite() and rscheck()) are part of the rewriting engine, which always takes a fixed size buffer as input. There just isn't a way for the overflow to ever occur. We fixed it because it was the right thing to do.

ISS reported the Race Condition last mounth. There is NO data
available on when the other vulnerabilities were discovered. Any

The "memory jumps" is part of the race condition, not a separate problem. The integer overflow problem came to our attention shortly thereafter.

They also patched many non-security related bugs, added checks and
more informative error messages, etc.

In 8.13.6? Are you suggesting that it is irresponsible of us to continue to develop code? If you want just the security patch, apply the security patch, which we made available at the same time.

Sendmail is, as we know, the most used daemon for SMTP in the
world. This is an International Infrastructure vulnerability and
should have been treated that way. It wasn't. It was handled not
only poorly, but irresponsibly.

Here's what ISS releasing the Race Condition vulnerability has to
say: http://xforce.iss.net/xforce/alerts/id/216
They say it's a remote code execution. They say it's a race
condition. No real data available to speak of. I can't see how it's
remotely exploitable, but well, no details, remember? From what we
can see it seems like a DoS.

To be blunt, we don't understand much more about it than all of you do. It is an extremely subtle problem that involves making an alarm signal occur in a very small section of code as the result of a multi-minute timeout. The signal causes a longjmp that can leave a piece of code in an inconsistent state. ISS explained it to us and told us that they had managed to craft an exploit in their lab, but frankly we don't see how it can be practical. This literally requires nanosecond precision in the millisecond world of networking.

Bottom line
What they did behind the smoke-screen is replace a lot of setjmp()
and longjmp() functions (not very secure ones at that) with goto's
(interesting choice).

There's a big difference between a synchronous goto in a single context versus an asynchronous longjmp() between contexts.

They changed the logic of the code, replaced everything that
calculated timeout. Anything that calculated something and returned
a value now returns a boolean result, when previously they just
returned void. They used to look at the content rather than success.

When we got rid of the longjmp() we had to propagate I/O errors the hard way --- as return values. This involved adding a lot of checking. Painful, but necessary.

The int overflow is possibly exploitable, not very sure about the
jumps. No idea why ISS says the Race Condition is, would love

I've already commented on this.

Public announcement
FreeBSD were the only ones who released a public announcement of a
patch and emailed it to bugtraq so far.

Talk to the vendors. I've seen quite a few of their advisories come by.

The patches
The FreeBSD patch much like the sendmail.org patch is very long,
complicated and obscure. The release was made along with a ton of
other patches for FreeBSD. Go figure what's in there.

FreeBSD updated to 8.13.6 rather than using 8.13.5+patches. This is what we are recommending for everyone.

Sendmail.com's patch is so big they may as well have re-released
the whole program.

You mean the patch to 8.13.5? Yes, it's large, because of the necessity of propagating the error return back. And we DID release the whole program (that's 8.13.6), which is what we STRONGLY recommend everyone use.

One could say ISS and Sendmail did good, obscuring the information
so that the vulnerability-to-exploit time will be longer. That
proved wrong, useless and pointless. They failed.

You say that giving you the source code is "obscuring the information"?

After looking at the available data for 30 minutes (more or less),
we know exactly what the vulnerabilities are. Exploiting them may
not be that trivial if indeed possible,  but there are most likely
already exploits out there if it is. When will the first public POC
be released? Your guess is as good as mine.
Not to mention the silently patched memory leak.

See above.

SMTP and Sendmail by extension are critical for the Internet as an
International Infrastructure. If this ends up being exploitable (no
details, remember?) both ISS and Sendmail should look good and hard
at the coming massive exploitation of Sendmail servers.

Yes, that's true. If it's exploitable and people don't update, then those people who choose to ignore the problem will be vulnerable. You could say that about every vulnerability that has ever existed.

With issues relating to the Internet Infrastructure I'd be willing
to go even with the evil of non-disclosure, as long as something
gets done and then reported publically when it finally scaled down
in a roll-back after a couple of years.
If not, and you are going to make it public, make the effort and
fix it as soon as you can, and give information to help the process
of healing. Don't do it a mounth late and obscure data.

It took Sendmail a mounth to fix this. A mounth.

A mounth!

Are you suggesting that it would have been better for us to have released the problem without giving vendors any time at all to get it integrated? I think that would be seriously irresponsible.

[remainder of rant deleted].
