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[DRUPAL-SA-2006-003] Drupal 4.6.6 / 4.5.8 fixes session fixation issue

Drupal security advisory                                  DRUPAL-SA-2006-003
Advisory ID:    DRUPAL-SA-2006-003
Project:        Drupal core
Date:           2006-03-13
Security risk:  less critical
Impact:         hijacking
Where:          from remote
Vulnerability:  session fixation attack

If someone creates a clever enough URL and convinces you to click on it, and
you later log in but you do not log off then the attacker may be able to
impersonate you.

Versions affected
All Drupal versions before 4.6.6.

The fix to this issue requires PHP 4.3.2 or higher, which is higher than the
minimum requirements for the Drupal 4.5.x branch. If you are still running 
an older version of PHP, you must upgrade it or this issue will not be

If you are running Drupal 4.5.x then upgrade to Drupal 4.5.8.
If you are running Drupal 4.6.x then upgrade to Drupal 4.6.6.

Reported by
Markus Petrux

The security contact for Drupal can be reached at security@xxxxxxxxxx
or using the form at http://drupal.org/contact.
More information is available from http://drupal.org/security or from
our security RSS feed http://drupal.org/security/rss.xml.

// Uwe Hermann, on behalf of the Drupal Security Team.
Uwe Hermann 
http://www.it-services-uh.de  | http://www.crazy-hacks.org 
http://www.holsham-traders.de | http://www.unmaintained-free-software.org

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