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vBulletin3.0.12&3.5.3~is_valid_email()~XSS Attack

Software: vBulletin
Sowtware?s Web Site: http://www.vBulletin.com
Versions: 3.0.12-3.5.3
Class: Remote
Status: Unpatched
Exploit: Available
Solution: Available
Discovered by: imei addmimistrator
Risk Level: Mediume
There is a security bug in most powerfull & common forum software vBulletin 
version 3.0.12&3.5.3 that allows attacker performe a XSS attack. bug is in 
result of unsentizing quotation and < & > characters for ?email? field of 
users? information. a weak regular expression for validation email that allows 
insertiong unvalid characters in domain-name section of email is source of this 
bug and also forgot to htmlspeacialcharing output value in sendmsg.php file, 
helps exploiting this bug. a successfull attack can result to thefthing 
cookies, hijacking pages and etc?
AdminSetting Should meeted these settings:
Enable Email features=Yes
Allow Users to Email Other Members=Yes
Use Secure Email Sending=No
It sounds that conditions are defaultly OK;
pass:your pass
email: imei@xxxxxxxxxx?><script>alert(1)</script>.nomatt
Note About lenght limitation 
Receive Email from Other Members=yes
forum/sendmessage.php?do=mailmember&u={your id}
Upgrade to vendore provided patch.
Discovered by: imei addmimistrator