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Re: Mozilla Thunderbird : Multiple Information Disclosure Vulnerabilities

Renaud Lifchitz wrote:
Mozilla Thunderbird : Multiple Information Disclosure Vulnerabilities

The css part of this "exploit" is actively used by Intellicontact (or whatever they call themselves this week), the host of the factcheck.org mailing list. For example:

<LINK href=http://mail1.icptrack.com/track/relay.php?r=###&msgid=
=###&act=####&admin=0&destination=http://www.factcheck.org/styles/subpage_nn.css type=text/css rel=stylesheet>

To work around this, set:

user_pref("mailnews.display.html_as", 3);


user_pref("mailnews.display.html_sanitizer.allowed_tags", "html head title body p br div(lang,title) h1 h2 h3 h4 h5 h6 ul(type,compact) ol(type,compact,start) li(type,value) dl dt dd blockquote(type,cite) pre noscript noframes strong em sub sup span(lang,title) acronym(title) abbr(title) del(title,cite,datetime) ins(title,cite,datetime) q(cite) a(href,name,title) base(href) area(alt) applet(alt) object(alt) var samp dfn address kbd code cite s strike tt b i table(align) caption tr(align,valign) td(rowspan,colspan,align,valign) th(rowspan,colspan,align,valign)");
(one line)

in prefs.js.

works around the css problem because link isn't an allowed html tag. I didn't test your iframe version, but I suspect this will work around that as well.

Reference: http://www.bucksch.com/1/projects/mozilla/108153/