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PEHEPE Membership Management System Multiple Vulnerabilities
- To: bugtraq@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
- Subject: PEHEPE Membership Management System Multiple Vulnerabilities
- From: mail@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
- Date: 28 Feb 2006 23:08:20 -0000
- Advisory: PEHEPE Membership Management System Multiple Vulnerabilities
- Author: Yunus Emre Yilmaz -- mail[at]yunusemreyilmaz(dot)com
- Application: PEHEPE MemberShip Management System
- Affected Version : v3 ( maybe older versions..)
- Risk : Critical
-- Details[0] : XSS Vulnerability
An attacker can manupulate the value of $kul_adi, if s/he opens sol_menu.php
Sol_menu.php is an included page, but the attacker can access it directly. So,
the value of $kul_adi
can be changed from the address bar.
-- Proof of Concept:
-- Details[1] :Remote Code Execution Vulnerability
There is a "require" command in sol_menu.php. The attacker can bypass the
constant UYE_SEVIYE using a , querystring like "misafir[]=UYE_SEVIYE". So the
remote code is executing. As a result, the attacker can change the value of the
first parameter of the require function which is named as uye_klasor.(dir for
remote url)
-- Proof Of Concept:
-- Note : For using these vulnerabilities, register_globals must be on.
Original URL :