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InqTana Through the eyes of Dr. Frankenstein.

Thanks to those folks that helped edit this.
                                InqTana Through the eyes of Dr. Frankenstein.

This sole intent of this paper is to address both FUD and Rumors surrounding 
the release of detailed information about 
the InqTana proof of concept worm. After reading internet based news over the 
past few days I have certainly seen my 
fair share of 'spin' and misconception regarding the results of my research. 
Some of my favorite comments are listed here:

-"Until Symantec tells people exactly what it does and where it came from I'm 
calling this salesmanship."
-"Probably just a lame variation on the Leap.A fiasco"
-"This may be nothing more than a copycat reaction to a new threat that 
received a great deal of media attention"
-"The OSX/Inqtana.A requires the user to accept 3 separate Bluetooth file 
-"No system can be infected without multiple decisions on the part of the user."
-"...in order to become infected with this proof-of-concept, the user must 
accept not one, not two, but three PUSH requests."
-"...there are no mechanisms in the OS for silent and automatic infection."
-"...Anyway, I don't think it would be very successful. How many Macs are 
routinely around other Macs with bluetooth on?"
-"Mac OS X 10.4 (Tiger) users are still advised to make sure they're patched up 
in order to guard against attack"

Most of these statements are slightly humorous to say the least. This worm 
quite honestly has nothing to do with any 
Anti-Virus company. The concept of worming the vulnerability that I originally 
disclosed to apple was one of the first 
thoughts on my mind when I found the bug. Unfortunately I had a limited amount 
of time to really research the full potential 
of the bug I had discovered. The main reason that the length of time between 
the patch and the worm was so great has nothing 
to do with an AV company marketing ploy. I simply have other things going on in 
my life, writing a worm was just not on the 
top of my list. Beyond simple technical issues I found it difficult to 
communicate with any AV company beyond Symantec about
my concerns. 

The fact that both Leap.A and InqTana.A were released back to back was also 
purely coincidental, Symantec, Sophos, F-secure 
and all the other companies that various folks have accused of planting these 
PoC worms had absolutely NOTHING to do with 
InqTana. Aside from a similar release date InqTana.A itself has absolutely 
nothing to do with Leap.A. My work was done 
completely independent of the author of Leap. The day after I sent out queries 
to the AV companies about my code I was shocked 
to see another OSX worm had already been in the news. While my worm sat in the 
mail spools of several AV companies they were 
busy writing about the "First Trojan/Worm for OSX".

With regard to the incorrect data being provided about the exploit portion of 
the worm I must simply tell the reporters out 
there to DO YOUR HOMEWORK FIRST, then write your articles. The Bluetooth 
vulnerability was first disclosed in DMA[2005-0502a] 
and in a follow-up titled Bluetooth_dot_dot.txt. The data was released in May 
of 2005 after apple had patched the issue in 
10.3. Tiger aka 10.4 was released shortly after the patches were made 
available, however it was shipped in a vulnerable state. 
APPLE-SA-2005-05-03 and APPLE-SA-2005-06-08 fully address the issue with the 
Apple Bluetooth stack. The bottom line is that 
BOTH 10.4 and 10.3 are vulnerable. http://www.securityfocus.com/bid/13491 
contains full details surrounding the issue. One 
thing I cannot stress enough is that I chose to make this worm prompt the user 
for interaction... it is NOT a required 
function. My intent was to prove a concept not create a functional worm 

Putting all of that aside I think most people missed the point of this worm and 
its variants. The main focus was not on the 
usage of Bluetooth for the exploit medium, or the vulnerability used. The focus 
should have been on the usage of built in OSX 
facilities to spread malicious code. OSX contains features, which will 
certainly aid in the future of malware on OSX. 

Although little detail was provided on exactly how Leap.A hooked the functions 
of iChat it is very likely that MethodSwizzling [1] 
was used. The Objective-C runtime effectively allows you to "patch" methods in 
code you don't have the source to. Rather than 
completely replacing the original method, MethodSwizzling lets your method make 
use of the original, almost like subclassing. 
Once you combine this ability with an InputManager [2] in bundle form [3] you 
wind up with a recipe for instant malware. Even 
though InputManagers in bundle form can have legit [4] uses it is highly likely 
that this facility will become a common malware 
vector. This method seems to be portable across both 10.4 and 10.3.

Leap.A chose to drop an InputManager named "apphook" into ~/Library. 

k-fs-ibook:~/Library/InputManagers kf$ ls
Info            apphook.bundle

The LoadBundleOnLaunch property was set to ensure that the bundle would load 
with every application that launches. 

k-fs-ibook:~/Library/InputManagers kf$ cat Info
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple Computer//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" 
<plist version="1.0">

The actual binary of the malicious bundle can be found in the Contents/MacOS 
k-fs-ibook:~/Library/InputManagers kf$ file 
apphook.bundle/Contents/MacOS/apphook: Mach-O bundle ppc

Because the strings "com.apple.iChat" and "com.apple.mail" were found in data 
from the actual bundle we assume that malware will 
attempt to hook both iChat and apple Mail. Most likely the author attempted to 
isolate which programs his code hooked via a 
snippet of code similar to the following: 

//Look if we are running in iChat 
if(![[NSBundle mainBundle] bundleIdentifier] isEualTo:@"com.apple.iChat:])
        return; // Not iChat -> Do Nothing (borrowed from SubEthaFari)

At this point the author goes on to hook into the methods used for sending 
outbound messages in an attempt to continue spreading 

MethodSwizzling is not the only malware vector in the arsenal of future OSX 
malware authors. During the development of the code 
dubbed 'InqTana' I developed and made use of 3 seperate techniques to deploy 
and distribute a payload. Several facilities exist 
within the OSX operating system that will help facilitate the spread of 
malware. I will outline each of the techniques that my 
InqTana variants seek to demonstrate. 

During early attempts to create an environment in which an OSX worm could be 
sustained I failed repeatedly to find a suitable vector 
which would allow an attacker to run code. With the arrival of OSX 10.4 
however, I quickly noted how convienent the new Launchd [5] 
facility was. You honestly could not ask for a much simpler method for code 
execution. Simply drop a properly formatted file in the 
correct directory and you are good to go. 

k-fs-ibook:~/Library/LaunchAgents kf$ ls
com.openbundle.plist    com.pwned.plist

InqTana.A used com.openbundle.plist to unpack the payload of the main worm 
shortly before running it via com.pwned.plist. 

k-fs-ibook:~/Library/LaunchAgents kf$ cat com.openbundle.plist
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple Computer//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" 
<plist version="1.0">

Because launchd did not exist in 10.3 this will only work on 10.4 machines. 

Following the arrival of the Leap.A worm I toyed with the idea of hooking one 
of the programs that starts when a normal user logs 
into the OSX GUI. After cornering a few particular applications I decided that 
too much was involved in selecting a method to mutate 
for worm distribution purposes. Rather than taking a  granular approach, I 
decided it would be easier to hook the '- init' function 
that is called when all bundles are loaded. 

The same general technique that Leap.A is used however the bundle payload is 
slightly modified. 
k-fs-ibook:~/Library/InputManagers/InqTanaHandler kf$ ls
Info                    InqTanaHandler.bundle

As we can see from the source code hooking the module init is quite easy. 

k-fs-ibook:/Users/Users/InqTanaHandler kf$ cat InqTanaHandler.m
//  InqTanaHandler.m
//  InqTanaHandler
//  Created by Kevin Finisterre on 2/19/06.
//  Copyright 2006 __MyCompanyName__. All rights reserved.

#import "InqTanaHandler.h"
#import </usr/include/objc/objc-class.h>

@implementation InqTanaHandler
- init
    if (self=[super init])

                int x = open("/tmp/w0rms.love.apples", O_RDWR);

Lots of care must be in mind when hooking the system in this manor. One bad 
move can make for some nasty results. 

The final method I am going to discuss involves a 'relic left over from 
OpenStep/NextStep' [6]. OSX provides a facility  by which 
users have the ability to set specific environment variables for all processes 
that they launch. Coincidentally this method can also 
be used to potentially spread malware. 

~/.MacOSX/environment.plist can be used to specify variables that may influence 
the behavior of dyld [7]. By setting the 
DYLD_INSERT_LIBRARIES variable we are able to force all applications to run our 
payload. Unfortunately in versions of OSX 
below 10.4 dyld appears to be TOO lazy to run a trojaned .dylib file. 

k-fs-ibook:~/Library kf$ cd ~/.MacOSX/
k-fs-ibook:~/.MacOSX kf$ cat environment.plist
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<plist version="0.9">

Using methods outlined in Apple's Dynamic Library Design Guidelines [8] we can 
make use of either a malicious Initializer 
or Finalizer to spread malware. 

k-fs-ibook:/Users/Users kf$ cat pwned.c
//  gcc -dynamiclib pwned.c -o pwned.dylib

#include <stdio.h>
#include <sys/fcntl.h>
#include <pwd.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <stdio.h>

extern char * argv;

static void w0rmy()
                chmod("/tmp/w0rms.love.apples", 0777);

Because programs that are initially launched when a user logs in seem to be run 
from '/' the dyld appears to also want our trojaned 
.dylib to reside in '/'. Be careful here... you can break your box if you get 
this wrong. 

k-fs-ibook:~/Library/Logs/CrashReporter/ kf$ cat iTunesHelper.crash.log

Host Name:      k-fs-ibook
Date/Time:      2006-02-20 11:48:33.250 -0500
OS Version:     10.4 (Build 8A428)
Report Version: 3

Command: iTunesHelper
Parent:  WindowServer [629]

Version: 4.7.1 (4.7.1)

PID:    661
Thread: Unknown

Link (dyld) error:

could not load inserted library: "pwned.dylib"

Moving pwned.dylib to / corrected the above behavior which results in a 
completely unusable user account otherwise. Once again because 
all of the programs that a user runs will attempt to run this code, special 
care needs to be taken to make sure the payload is not 
stepping on itself. 

Because samples of these variants have been sent to most major anti-virus 
companies attacks that are similar in nature should be 
quarantined in the future. Further OS level permissions changes can help 
mitigate the risks associated with the various facilities 
that OSX provides by default. 

The four techniques above provide obvious vectors for current malware writers 
to abuse OSX. Some things obviously need to be changed 
with regard to access to the facilities these techniques take advantage of. Now 
is the time to be diligent and to discover and augment 
similar behavior. OSX is NOT immune to worms and virii.... don't kid yourself.

In closing I would like to once again state that the InqTana code was designed 
to run in a controlled environment limited to 3 
bluetooth devices. 11:22:33:44:55:66, 33:33:33:44:44:44, and 44:44:44:55:55:55. 
In the event that the code were to somehow spread 
beyond the initial test environment several other factors limit its ability to 
actually spread in the wild. The bluetooth library 
that InqTana is based on is set to expire on 02/25/06. In addition to the 
expiration date the Exception handeler of InqTana is 
intentionally crippled to halt upon any errors encountered by the code. 

InqTana was manufactured specifically as proof of concept. The code was 
distributed to both Apple and Anti-Virus companies in efforts 
to identify and mitigate behavior that could be used in the future as a malware 
vector on the OSX platform. 

[1] http://www.cocoadev.com/index.pl?MethodSwizzling
[3] http://fsb.mackb.net/bundle
[4] http://codingmonkeys.de/map/log/articles/2004/07/20/subethafari 
[5] http://developer.apple.com/macosx/launchd.html
[6] http://developer.apple.com/qa/qa2001/qa1067.html
[7] http://developer.apple.com/releasenotes/DeveloperTools/dyld.html

k-fs-ibook:~ kf$ /usr/bin/say "All, your bluetooth, and OSX,,, are belong,, to, 