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Re: dotproject <= 2.0.1 remote code execution

I'm not sure I understand why this is a problem. As you have stated register_globals must be set to on before any of this can be triggered. In terms on register_globals being on by default, that hasn't been the case in PHP for quite some time.

Also, I am intrigued by the claim that 'protection.php' is vulnerable. There is no 'protection.php' anywhere in the dotProject tree.

As pointed out to you privately, the simple solution is to turn register_globals off.

Adam Donnison
Admin - dotProject

r.verton@xxxxxxxxx wrote:
dotproject <= 2.0.1 remote code execution

        Software: dotProject <= 2.0.1
        Severity: Arbitrary code execution, Path/Information Disclosure
        Risk: High
        Author: Robin Verton <r.verton@xxxxxxxxx>
        Date: Feb. 14 2006
        Vendor: dotproject.net [contacted]

         dotProject is a volunteer supported Project Management application.

         The 'protection.php' script does not properly validate user-supplied 
input in the 'siteurl' parameter.
         Some user-supplied input is not checked correctly so an attacker can 
include a remote php file and
         execute arbitrary phpcode or arbitrary system command via eval().

         Because there are over 10 Bugs I only post the vulnerable files + 
parameters which are not checked.
         To exploit these vulnerables register_globals have to be set ON 

         1) /includes/db_adodb.php?baseDir=[REMOTE INCLUDE]
2) /includes/db_connect.php?baseDir=[REMOTE INCLUDE] 3) /includes/session.php?baseDir=[REMOTE INCLUDE] 4) /modules/projects/gantt.php?dPconfig[root_dir]=[REMOTE INCLUDE] 5) /modules/projects/gantt2.php?dPconfig[root_dir]=[REMOTE INCLUDE] 6) /modules/projects/vw_files.php?dPconfig[root_dir]=[REMOTE INCLUDE] 7) /modules/admin/vw_usr_roles.php?baseDir=[REMOTE INCLUDE] 8) /modules/public/calendar.php?baseDir=[REMOTE INCLUDE] 9) /modules/public/date_format.php?baseDir=[REMOTE INCLUDE] 10) /modules/tasks/gantt.php?baseDir=[REMOTE INCLUDE]

         There are also some path discolsure bugs:

         Nearly ALL files in /db/ give out some nice php-errors by accessing 
them directly with the parameter

         Then, if the /doc/ directory is not deleted (default) you can access 
to two varoius files which
         disclose you some system informations:

         1) /docs/phpinfo.php - A phpinfo() file.
2) /docs/check.php - Some more informations about the installed dotProject.

         Turn register_globals OFF, delete the /docs/ dir and cover /db/ dir 
with an htaccess.

         24.01.2006 - Bugs found
         26.01.2006 - Vendor Contacted
         14.02.2006 - Publishing

         Credits go to Robin Verton (r.verton [at] gmail [dot] com)

Adam Donnison                                  email: adam@xxxxxxxxxxx
Saki Computer Services Pty. Ltd.
93 Kallista-Emerald Road                        phone: +61 3 9752 1512
THE PATCH  VIC 3792    AUSTRALIA                fax:   +61 3 9752 1098