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[EEYEB-20051017] Windows Media Player BMP Heap Overflow
- To: <bugtraq@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>, <vulnwatch@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>, <full-disclosure@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>, <ntbugtraq@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Subject: [EEYEB-20051017] Windows Media Player BMP Heap Overflow
- From: "eEye Advisories" <Advisories@xxxxxxxx>
- Date: Tue, 14 Feb 2006 14:49:09 -0800
EEYEB-20051017 Windows Media Player BMP Heap Overflow
Release Date:
February 14, 2006
Date Reported:
October 17, 2005
Patch Development Time (In Days):
High (Remote Code Execution)
Systems Affected:
Microsoft Windows Media Player 7.1 through 10
Windows NT 4.0
Windows 98 / ME
Windows 2000 SP4
Windows XP SP1 / SP2
Windows 2003
eEye ID: EEYEB-20051017
CVE: CVE-2006-0006
eEye Digital Security has discovered a critical vulnerability in Windows
Media Player. The vulnerability allows a remote attacker to reliably
overwrite heap memory with user-controlled data and execute arbitrary
code in the context of the user who executed the player.
Windows Media Player has a security issue within Media Player versions
7.1 through 10 on all Windows os's. This flaw is a heap overflow, and an
attacker can use multiple vectors to exploit it. Attackers can create
.asx files and open them with a URL, use activex embeded in an HTML page
or create a Media Player skin file.
Technical Description:
Windows Media Player can play bit map format files, such as a .bmp file
and use Windows Media Player (WMP) to decode the .dll process bmp file.
But it can't correctly process a bmp file which declares it's size as 0.
In this case, WMP will allocate a heap size of 0 but in fact, it will
copy to the heap with the real file length. So a special bmp file that
declares it's size as 0 will cause the overflow. When changing the size
to 0, WMP will allocate the heap of the new function, so actually it
will allocate 0x2*8(heap) sized heap. When we copy the date is will
check two conditions:
1. less than the size - the bmp head, this is 0-0xe(the bmp head
size) = 0xfffffff2
2. less than 0x1000
So if the real file size is less than 0x1000, it will copy the real date
size to the 0x2*8 heap, if the real file size is larger than 0x1000, it
will copy the first 0x1000 to the 0x2*8 heap.
Retina Network Security Scanner has been updated to identify this
Blink - Endpoint Vulnerability Prevention - preemptively protects from
this vulnerability.
Vendor Status:
Microsoft has released a patch for this vulnerability. The patch is
available at:
Fang Xing
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