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Hacking With The Google Search Engine
- To: bugtraq@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, <webappsec@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Subject: Hacking With The Google Search Engine
- From: Paul Laudanski <zx@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Date: Sat, 14 Jan 2006 14:29:00 -0500 (EST)
By Darren W. Miller, aka defendingthenet, CastleCops Staff Writer
Jan 14, 2006
Google: Yes, You Can Find Just About Anything
Hackers and security experts use various custom and open source tools to
complete their tasks. In fact, one of the tools they use you probably use
every time you browse the web, the Google Search Engine.
I remember the first time I used the Google Search Engine years ago. I was
amazed at how quickly it fulfilled my search request. Google's huge index
of systems / information and it's ability to perform complex searches have
evolved over the years. When we performed security assessments and
penetration test, we regularly use Google to locate information that
organizations typically want to keep private and confidential.
Full: http://castlecops.com/article-6466-nested-0-0.html
Paul Laudanski, Microsoft MVP Windows-Security
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