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EUSecWest papers and CanSecWest CFP
- To: bugtraq@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
- Subject: EUSecWest papers and CanSecWest CFP
- From: Dragos Ruiu <dr@xxxxxxx>
- Date: Wed, 11 Jan 2006 21:04:23 -0800
url: http://eusecwest.com
url: http://cansecwest.com
(CanSecWest Call For Papers attached below)
EUSecWest/core06 Conference
Announcing the final selection of papers for the
EUSecWest conference in London, U.K. on Feb. 20/21
at the Victoria Park Plaza Hotel. The following
topics will be covered:
Javier Burroni & Carlos Sarraute - Core Security Technologies
Analyzing OS fingerprints using Neural Networks and Statistical Machinery
van Hauser - thc
Attacking the IPv6 protocol suite
Yuji Ukai - eeye
Exploiting Real-Time OS Based Embedded Systems Using the JTAG Emulator
Nguyen Anh Quynh - Keio University
XEBEK: A Next Generation Honeypot Monitoring System
Fred Raynal - EADS
Malicious Crypto
Cesar Cerrudo - Argeniss
Windows Local Shellcode Injection
Andrew Cushman - Microsoft
Windows Security Fundamentals
Sheeraj Shahi - Net Square
Advanced Web Hacking - Attacks & Defense
Andy Davis - IRM PLC
ColdFusion Security
Tim Hurman - Pentest Ltd.
ARMed combat: the fight for personal security
Raffael Marty - ArcSight
A Visual Approach to Security Event Management
Michael Boman - KPMG Singapore
Network Security Monitoring: Theory and Practice
Jim DeLeskie & Danny McPherson - Teleglobe, Arbor Networks
Protecting the Infrastructure
Andrea Barisani - Inverse Path
Lessons in Open Source Security: The Tale of a 0-Day Incident
We would also like to announce the final list of Security
Masters Dojo courses that will be offered on February 16th
and 17th at the Victoria Park Plaza Hotel. Seats are
available for all courses, but course registration is
limited to only ten students each. We are considering
adding additional course sessions on Feb 23/24 if
demand warrants it. The hands-on courses offered
will be:
Gerardo Richarte - Core Security Technologies
Assembly for Exploit Writing
Marty Roesch - Sourcefire
Advanced IDS Deployment and Optimization
Maximillian Dornseif & Thorsten Holtz - Aachen University
Advanced Honeypot Tactics
Philippe Biondi - EADS
Mastering the Network with SCAPY
Renaud Deraison & Nicolas Pouvesle - Tenable Network Security
Vulnerability Scanning: Advanced Nessus Usage
Laurent Oudot & Nico Fischbach - rstack, COLT telecom
Applied network security and advanced anomaly detection using
state-of-the art honeypots and netflow/NIDS
Cédric Blancher - EADS
Practical 802.11 WiFi (In)Security
Adam Laurie & Martin Herfurt & Marcel Holtmann - trifinite
Bluetooth Technology Security
Vendors Presentations for the Elevator Focus Groups will
be announced shortly.
Seats are available but limited for EUSecWest, and registration
is open at: https://eusecwest.com/register.html
Security Masters Dojo/London registration is now open
at: https://eusecwest.com/courses.html
Contact core06@xxxxxxxxxxxxx for registration support or
corporate sponsorship inquiries.
CanSecWest/core06 CALL FOR PAPERS
VANCOUVER, Canada -- The seventh annual CanSecWest
applied technical security conference - where the
eminent figures in the international security
industry will get together share best practices
and technology - will be held in downtown Vancouver
at the the Mariott Renaissance Harbourside on
April 3-7, 2006. The most significant new discoveries
about computer network hack attacks and defenses,
commercial security solutions, and pragmatic real
world security experience will be presented in
a series of informative tutorials.
The CanSecWest meeting provides international researchers
a relaxed, comfortable environment to learn from informative
tutorials on key developments in security technology, and
collaborate and socialize with their peers in one of the
world's most scenic cities - a short drive away
from one of North America's top skiing areas.
In addition to the usual one hour tutorials, panel sessions
and highly entertaining 5 minute "lightning" talks, this
conference will also feature a new session called
"Elevator Focus Groups". Featuring several short
sessions, these commercial presentations will showcase
new, significantly used, or dramatically innovative
new products in the information security realm.
Each selected vendor will have a short 10 minute
presentation ("elevator pitch"), after which 10 minutes
of audience Q&A and interactive discussion amongst
the expert security practitioners attending will follow.
In this session both the audience and the vendors can
get valuable feedback from world leading experts and
the attendees can get user evaluations and learn
from sharing experiences and real world security
applications about practical uses of the products - the
"focus group." Hence the name: Elevator Focus Groups.
The CanSecWest conference will also feature the availability
of the Security Masters Dojo expert network security sensei
instructors, and their advanced, and intermediate, hands-on
training courses - featuring small class sizes and practical
application excercises to maximize information transfer.
We would like to announce the opportunity to submit papers,
lightning talk proposals, and elevator focus candidate products
for selection by the CanSecWest technical review committee.
Please make your paper proposal submissions before January 30th, 2006.
Slides for the papers must be submitted by March 15th, 2006.
Some invited papers have been confirmed, but a limited
number of speaking slots are still available. The conference is
responsible for travel and accomodations for the speakers. If you
have a proposal for a tutorial session then please email a
synopsis of the material and your biography, papers and,
speaking background to core06@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Only slides
will be needed for the March paper deadline, full text
does not have to be submitted - but will be accepted if
The CanSecWest/core06 conference consists of tutorials on technical
details about current issues, innovative techniques and best
practices in the information security realm. The audiences are a
multi-national mix of professionals involved on a daily basis
with security work: security product vendors, programmers,
security officers, and network administrators. We give
preference to technical details and new education for a
technical audience.
The conference itself is a single track series of presentations
in a lecture theater environment. The presentations offer
speakers the opportunity to showcase on-going research
and collaborate with peers while educating and highlighting
advancements in security products and techniques.
The focus is on innovation, tutorials, and education
instead of product pitches. Some commercial content
is tolerated, but it needs to be backed up by a technical
presenter - either giving a valuable tutorial and best
practices instruction or detailing significant new
technology in the products.
Paper proposals should consist of the following information:
1) Presenter, and geographical location (country of origin/passport)
and contact info (e-mail, postal address, phone, fax).
2) Employer and/or affiliations.
3) Brief biography, list of publications and papers.
4) Any significant presentation and educational experience/background.
5) Topic synopsis, Proposed paper title, and a one paragraph description.
6) Reason why this material is innovative or significant or an
important tutorial.
7) Optionally, any samples of prepared material or outlines ready.
8) Will you have full text available or only slides?
9) Please list any other publications or conferences where this
material has been or will be published/submitted.
Please include the plain text version of this information in your email
as well as any file, pdf, sxw, ppt, or html attachments.
Please forward the above information to core06@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx to
be considered for placement on the speaker roster, have your lightning
talk scheduled, or submit your product for inclusion in the focus
Advance Registration is now available for CanSecWest
at http://cansecwest.com.
World Security Pros. Cutting Edge Training, Tools, and Techniques
London, U.K. February 20/21 2006 http://eusecwest.com
pgpkey http://dragos.com/ kyxpgp