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Html_Injection in vBulletin 3.5.2

Vulnerable Version: 3.5.2 (prior versions also may be affected) Bug: 
Html_Injection (Second order Cross_Site_Scripting) Exploitation: Remote with 

Html_Injection : The software does not properly filter HTML tags in the title 
of events before being passed to user in 'calendar.php'&'reminder.php AS 
include'. that may allow a remote user to inject HTML/javascript codes to 
events of calendar. The hostile code may be rendered in the web browser of the 
victim user who will Request Reminder for those Events (persistent). For 
example an attacker creates new event (Single-All Day Event , Ranged Event OR 
Recurring Event)with this content: 

TITLE:--------->Test<script>alert(document.cookie)</script> BODY:---------->No 
matter OTHER OPTIONS:->No matter

Demonstration XSS URL: -------------------- 


Savsak.com [Ejder And The_BeKiR And Liz0Zim And CyberLord]