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Uninformed Journal Release Announcement: Volume 3

Uninformed is pleased to announce the release of its third volume. This 
volume includes 7 articles that cover a wide array of topics including 
reverse engineering, exploitation technology, rootkit technology, 
fuzzing, and other areas of research. The articles included in this 
volume are:

- Engineering in Reverse: Bypassing PatchGuard on Windows x64 
  Authors: skape & Skywing

- Exploitation Technology: Windows Kernel-mode Payload Fundamentals    
  Authors: bugcheck & skape

- Fuzzing: Analyzing Common Binary Parser Mistakes 
  Author: Orlando Padilla

- General Research: Attacking NTLM With Precomputed Hash Tables 
  Author: warlord

- General Research: Linux Improvised Userland Scheduler Virus
  Author: Izik

- Rootkit Technology: FUTo
  Authors: Peter Silberman & C.H.A.O.S.

- What Were They Thinking? Thick Clients Gone Wrong
  Author: trew

This volume of the journal can be found at:


The PullThePlug Contest:

PullThePlug is holding a contest to allow individuals in the security 
community to share knowledge in the form of interesting and innovative 
papers with the chance of winning a few prizes. The contest ends on Feb. 
10th, 2006 and winners will be announced on March 1st, 2006. Uninformed 
will be reviewing submissions to the PullThePlug contest for possible 
inclusion in the May 3rd release of the next issue of the journal. You 
can find more information about the PullThePlug contest here:


About Uninformed:

Uninformed is a non-commercial technical outlet for research in areas 
pertaining to security technologies, reverse engineering, and lowlevel 
programming. The goal, as the name implies, is to act as a medium for 
informing the uninformed. The research presented in each edition is 
simply an example of the evolutionary thought that affects all academic 
and professional disciplines. Uninformed is currently not accepting 
general submissions.

  - Uninformed
    staff [at] uninformed.org