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Re: WMF round-up, updates and de-mystification

Hey Pierre!
I stand corrected although beyond my simplification, the URL's do a good job. :)


On 1/3/06, Pierre Vandevenne <pierre@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Good Afternoon,
> Tuesday, January 3, 2006, 9:28:40 AM, you wrote:
> GE> The "patch" by Ilfak Guilfanov works, but by disabling a DLL in Windows.
> I wouldn't say it does that. If you really want to simplify it in the
> extreme, it hides the vulnerable function. The patch was, imho done
> precisely to avoid disabling the dll, and because disabling the dll
> wasn't necessarily successful in all cases.
> --
> Best regards,
> Pierre                            mailto:pierre@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
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