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XSS in PBLang 4.65 Profile.php/UCP.php

**Who's got the magic stick? It sure as hell ain't
**50 Cent.****************************************

Excuse me for posting again (within minutes) but I did not properly check the 
other forms.

In UCP.php, when editing your profile, in several fields you can inject code 
into the page, just as in the SendPm.php.

EX: Input table: "URL"
'';!--"<script>alert(String.fromCharCode(88,83,83));   </script>

The reason we cannot just do alert("sometext"); here is because this time our 
input is filtered and the quotes have \'s before them (single or not).

All field areas (besides password) are useable. I could not try alias as the 
board would not allow me to do so.
Even the email field is vulnerable, so long as you put an email first (like 

In "User Options", signature or 'saying' are not vulnerable, but URL Avatar is.

comments - suggestions - questions - flames - r0xes at 7NA dot org