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Metro Olografix Crypto Meeting 2006 CFP

Metro Olografix, an Italian no-profit association which has been working
for spreading the knowledge of information technology and networking
since 1994, is looking for high-quality speech submissions for the 2006
edition of the Metro Olografix CryptoMeeting (MOCM). The deadline is
set on December, 15th 2005.

Topics that will be considered include, but are not limited to:

- Study of cryptographic algorithms and cryptoanalysis techniques
- Steganography and information hiding
- Anonymization services
- Innovative programs, systems or solutions using cryptographic
- Cryptography applications in the field of networking
- Political, socio-cultural and legal aspects of the discussed topics

The authors will be immediately contacted, confirming the successful
reception of the materials they have sent. Limited travel funding is
available, but please state your funding request in your submission.
Notification of acceptance and a tentative schedule will be published by
the end of January.

Further information about the MOCM will be available on the association
web site at the address www.olografix.org; alternatively, you may send
any information request by email at the address mocm@xxxxxxxxxxxxx,
specifying 'MOCM information request' in the subject.


Angelo Dell'Aera 'buffer' 
Antifork Research, Inc.         http://buffer.antifork.org
Metro Olografix

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