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SECURECon 2006 Call for papers!

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*                                                                  *
*           Information Technology Security Conference             *
*                                                                  *
*  When:     February 8-10, 2006                                   *
*  Where:    Parkville Campus, Melbourne University, Australia     *
*  Cost:     Presentations - FREE, Workshops/Tutorials $50 each    *
*                                                                  *

SECURECon aims to provide an affordable forum for high quality
presentations, workshops and tutorials about information technology
security for the University of Melbourne IT community and the general

The 4th SECURECon will feature one day of workshops and tutorials
with hands-on-learning in a lab environment and two days of
technical talks.

The SECURECon committee invites all interested parties to submit
talks, workshops or tutorials on any topic in computer security.
Talks will be 50 minutes in length and tutorials/workshops will
be half a day.  Submissions (including slides to present) and
requests for further information may be sent to:


Submissions will be accepted until December 15, 2005.

Please visit http://securecon.unimelb.edu.au for more information.

Thanks for supporting SECURECon 2006!

The SECURECon2006 Committee (See the SECURECon website for committee membership)

---------------------------------------------------------------------- William Belcher Office: 8344 0123 Emergencies: 0432 717 535 IT Manager, School of Physics, The University of Melbourne, AUSTRALIA ----------------------------------------------------------------------