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Re: phpBB 2.0.17 remote avatar size bug

This isn't even a bug. How this got past Bugtraq moderators is beyond me. The "discoverer" goes on to say that to "fix" the problem you would check the size of the image. Are you going to check the size of the image on every page load? This is far from a bug..


SmOk3 wrote:

Title: phpBB remote avatar size bug
Software: phpBB 2.0.17 (and maybe prior versions)
Discovered by: David Sopas Ferreira < david at systemsecure dot org >
Original link: http://www.systemsecure.org/ssforum/viewtopic.php?t=272

» Email from phpBB «

Your report "Avatar size" has been closed because your reported issue is
Classifying a report as invalid can have various reasons, most of the time
the report is incomplete.

If you think your report has been handled incorrecly, please submit
another report at http://www.phpbb.com/security/index.php.

Comment added by team member:

This isn't a security problem. You can do the same thing with a standard
webpage. As for checking remote avatar size, there are several inherit
problems with that, which I won't detail here. As this isn't a security
problem, closing.

» End Of Mail - «

» My personnal opinion:

I think this is a minor security problem. A malicious user can use larger images
(for example: 1280px - 1024px) to almost damage the entire view of a
topic. This, to
be done, has to have Remote Avatar selected.

So, if the admins don't consider this a minor security problem, what
is it? A "special"

I don't want to criticize the phpBB coders, but why is it dificult to
check out the size
of a image and telling the user that that size of image it's not
possible, or even block the
size on the viewtopic table, something like that.

» Possible solution:

Disable remote avatar or just dig in the code to set the image size you want.