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Character Manipulation in Online Systems.

Applicable to Almost all the discussion forums or places which require you an 
Email System...

Risk : Medium 
(being just 18 years old, i can not write a very attractive article, but i will 
try my best)

I discovered this Trick after playing with Orkut, then tried it on some other 
Portals For INstance it has been checked with

Rainbow Portal
Invision Power Board 
Invision Power Board v2.0.4

Reaction :

THere is a "Reverse Character" which works on windows XP/200/2003 and NT 
Operating systems (not verfied on other OS's)
this "reverse Character is UNI-Code used to change the character line from left 
to the right 
but if used in the forums and other places which require a "Username" it simply 
Vanishes as a Blank Character and the FORUM/PORTAL never generates an error of 
Illegal Character rather it simply accepts it ... but the actual Problem comes 
after this ...
few cases :
° Blank UserNames (neglecting the check of minnimum 3 visible characters)
° This is the most effected scenario ... any where your "reverse character" 
will come it will simply reverse the order of text on its front or back ... so 
if there is Module showing online users from last 60 Hours and your name comes 
on the first line then it will simply Reverse the Text of the First Line, Not 
only for YOu but also for everyuser visiting the forum.
° It messes up with Forum/Portal Newsletters and Notifications via Email's as 
you username gets used in many places ...
° SIte Admin dont like such effects but rather then deleting the account its 
wise to substitute the name with there email ID (before the "@" part )
Example text below.
‮Example Text Below.

The 2nd line used the Reverse Character and the reverse Character is placed in 
the next line copy from there.
Or Download the Text File containing reverse Character for Convenience Sake from

This Sums up my Finding's 
the solution is not known to me, as its a job for the experts and the respect 
software owner
for Pictorial Examples any one can ask in the forums on 
http://drhack.sytes.net as i can show how messy this Thing can get

Discovered by : Dr-Hack
Email : hackology@xxxxxxxxx
website : http://drhack.sytes.net

Thank You ..