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DriverStudio Remote Control Authentication Bypass Vulnerability
- To: bugtraq@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
- Subject: DriverStudio Remote Control Authentication Bypass Vulnerability
- From: cocoruder@xxxxxxx
- Date: 15 Sep 2005 00:29:12 -0000
DriverStudio Remote Control Authentication Bypass Vulnerability
by cocoruder
email:cocoruder@xxxxxxx && frankruder@xxxxxxxxxxx
Last Update:2005.09.10
class:design error
Product Affected:
I test successfully on:
NuMega.DriverStudio.v2.7(windows 2000 sp4|windows xp sp1)
NuMega.DriverStudio.v3.0beta2(windows 2000 sp4|windows xp sp1)
SoftICE Driver Suite is an most popular kenerl-debug software suite,the
default-setup "DriverStudio Remote Contro" service(process name:DSRsvc.exe)
allow a user to configure Softice on the remote computer,authenticate with
currently-login username and password. but the authentication can be
bypassed,that any remote attacker can modifit local Softice-setting
the remote-control communications use DEC RPC protocol,authenticate with
NTLMv1,if we authenticate with NULL Session Login(NULL user name,NULL NTLM
hash),we can also authenticate successfully.that we can modifit
"winice.dat".disable the windows NULL Session Login will not be effective.
another vulnerability is erveryone send follow buffer to the UDP port 9110 can
make the system reboot.
02 00 00 00 41 41 41 00 ;00000002 --->reboot command
colligate the two vulnerability can get system privilege.
1.modifit winice.dat(use modifit_config.cpp to send winice_attack.dat to target)
2.modifit softice boot-type to:Automatic
3.send the reboot buffer to target UDP 9110,and waiting target computer
reboot(use send_reboot.cpp)
4.send shellcode buffer to UDP 9110(use send_shellcode.cpp)
all the code will not be published until the vendor release the patch:)