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Re: [Full-disclosure] (TOOL) TAPiON (Polymorphic Decryptor Generator) Engine

> Hi,

> TAPiON engine was developed to avoid code detection (shellcode/whatever).

Hi Piotr,
         I had a look at Tapion's code and I don't relly see any trully genuin
         polymorphism. Actually I did see some fixed patterns which could make
         Tapion's  decryptors pretty detectable:

         The main problem is that you build the decryptor based on some blocks
         which can be made into patterns, specially because the block
         construction is always the same:

         1) XOR block [optional with 50% of probabilities]
         2) (mov block | get_eip block) or
            (get_eip block | anti_emu block [1/3 prob] | mov block) [50% prob]
         3) anti_emu block [1/3 prob]
         4) -- Decryptor loop --
            (copy_reg block | mov_reg block) or
            (mov_reg block | copy_reg block | temp block ) [50% prob]

         As you see, there is nearly no randomnes in the process and the
         construction blocks are easy to detect.

         If you want some indepth on polymorphis I recomend you the 29a papers:

> best regards,
> Piotr Bania

        Kindest regards :)

Alejandro Barrera García-Orea
R&D Engineer
c/ Alcala 268 28027 Madrid
Office: +34 91 326 66 11
Fax: +34 91 326 66 11
e-mail: abarrera@xxxxxxxxxxxxx