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Re: [Full-disclosure] (TOOL) TAPiON (Polymorphic Decryptor Generator) Engine
- To: abarrera@xxxxxxxxxxxx, FULLDISC <full-disclosure@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>, SBUGTRAQ <bugtraq@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Subject: Re: [Full-disclosure] (TOOL) TAPiON (Polymorphic Decryptor Generator) Engine
- From: Piotr Bania <bania.piotr@xxxxxxxxx>
- Date: Fri, 09 Sep 2005 22:19:25 +0200
>If you want some indepth on polymorphis I recomend you the 29a papers:
I'm not a master in this branch however let me citate one of the
aritcles found on the server you sent me (i also recomend you to read it):
----- CUT --------------------------------------------------------------
" There exists a system of division of polymorphic viruses into levels
according to complexity of code in decryptors of those viruses. Such a
system was introduced by Dr. Alan Solomon and then enhanced by Vesselin
Level 1: Viruses having a set of decryptors with constant code,
choosing one while infecting. Such viruses are called "semi-polymorphic"
or "oligomor phic".
Examples: "Cheeba", "Slovakia", "Whale".
Level 2: Virus decryptor contains one or several constant
instructions, the rest of it is changeable.
Level 3: decryptor contains unused functions - "junk" like NOP,
CLI, STI,etc
Level 4: decryptor uses interchangeable instructions and changes
their order (instructions mixing). Decryption algorithm remains unchanged.
Level 5: all the above mentioned techniques are used, decryption
algorithm is changeable, repeated encryption of virus code and even
partial encryption of the decryptor code is possible. "
----- CUT --------------------------------------------------------------
So appending to this source i got a level 3 or level 4, unless you fully
understand the source. I'm not saying it is perfect, is was written in 5
Hope this helps you.
best regards,
Piotr Bania
Piotr Bania - <bania.piotr@xxxxxxxxx> - 0xCD, 0x19
Fingerprint: 413E 51C7 912E 3D4E A62A BFA4 1FF6 689F BE43 AC33
http://pb.specialised.info - Key ID: 0xBE43AC33
" Dinanzi a me non fuor cose create
se non etterne, e io etterno duro.
Lasciate ogne speranza, voi ch'intrate "
- Dante, Inferno Canto III