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RE: secure client-side platform

Tinfoil Hat linux ..silly.  http://tinfoilhat.shmoo.com/ 


     =|   -----Original Message-----
     =|   From: liudieyu@xxxxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:liudieyu@xxxxxxxxxxxxx] 
     =|   Sent: Wednesday, August 31, 2005 8:54 AM
     =|   To: bugtraq@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
     =|   Subject: secure client-side platform
     =|   how to have a secure client-side platform for secret 
     =|   communication?
     =|       ... transferring and storing secret messages, 
     =|   online banking, etc
     =|   i got some fresh ideas in mind, and would like to 
     =|   share it here:
     =|   0. watch network with sniffer, so be sure no byte is 
     =|   sent to weird destinations 1. read-only operating 
     =|   system(knoppix, etc), so every boot is a fresh start 
     =|   2. get every secret processed in memory and stored as 
     =|   encrypted in remote server
     =|   any suggesion or fresh idea on this topic is welcome
     =|   this document for ordinary people on the street:
     =|   http://umbrella.name/upid/trooseid
     =|   bugtraq guys can directly go to the conclusion part:
     =|   http://umbrella.name/computer/trooseid/trooseid_online
     =|   /#conclusion
     =|   have a nice day,
     =|   Liu Die Yu