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Re: Tool for Identifying Rogue Linksys Routers

On Thu, Aug 25, 2005 at 11:48:38AM -0700, Martin Mkrtchian wrote:
> We are migrating from Lucent QIP to MetaIP for DHCP services and so
> far we have had two issues when MetaIP has been implemented for  VLAN
> that has an unauthorized Linksys router giving out IP addresses.
> Is there a scanning tool out there that can determine if there are
> unauthorized Linksys (type) routers in a specific VLAN?

Try pinging all hosts using nmap:

 # nmap -sP

Then look at the arp cache:

 # arp | grep ether

Then find MAC addresses that are from Linksys's space. I know macchanger
[1] has a list of what addresses belong to which vendors.

Hope this helps.

[1] http://www.alobbs.com/modules.php?op=modload&name=macc&file=index
