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Re: Tool for Identifying Rogue Linksys Routers
- To: Martin Mkrtchian <dotsecure@xxxxxxxxx>
- Subject: Re: Tool for Identifying Rogue Linksys Routers
- From: Mike Frantzen <frantzen@xxxxxxx>
- Date: Fri, 26 Aug 2005 09:31:45 -0400
> Is there a scanning tool out there that can determine if there are
> unauthorized Linksys (type) routers in a specific VLAN?
All linksys MACs will have an address with one of these prefixes:
00045A The Linksys Group,
000625 The Linksys Group, In
000C41 The Linksys Group, In
000F66 Cisco-Linksys
001217 Cisco-Linksys, LLC
001310 Cisco-Linksys, LLC
Plug a laptop into any worrisome network segments and look for a linksys
MAC address. If the linksys routers talk IPv6:
ping6 -w ff02:1%fxp0 (or %eth0 or whatever your interface is)
Otherwise do a broadcast ping, a ping sweep, or whatever will tickle a
linksys router.
(friendly reminder: the host's MAC address will not be preserved if the
packet goes through a router)
frantzen@(nfr.com | cvs.openbsd.org | w4g.org)
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