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HAURI live update. Arbitrary remote file download and execute vulnerability

Dear Mailling lists

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Title:             HAURI live update. Arbitrary remote file download and 
execute vulnerability

Discoverer:        Original discoverer Neo
                   Original exploit improver PARK, GYU TAE 

Advisory No.:      NRVA05-03

Critical:          High Critical

Impact:            Arbitrary file download from Internet and executable

Where:             From remote

Operating System:  Windows Only

Solution:          Patched

Affected S/W:      
by Neo
 by Saintlinu

Notice:            06. 29. 2005 initiated
                   06. 30. 2005 2ND No response
                   07. 05. 2005 Vendor responded and will be patched until 07. 
22. 2005
                   07. 21. 2005 patched 
                   07. 26. 2005 Disclosure vulnerability 


HAURI is an anti virus vendor in Korea

The livesuite offers services to users scanning and treating virus, worm, hack 
tools and so on from Internet

See following detail describe:

[The first half]

Neo discovered vulnerability at 

HAURI never check parameters When updates from Internet update server

also HAURI never check file's checksum or hash value.

He modified liveup.haz file, it's live update configuration file

that file just compressed by ZIP compressor.

if HAURI user access phishing page such as can use BBS that has vulnerability 
such as cross site script 

then evil software downloaded without any restrict

evil software like cmd.exe if exist then HAURI overwrites.

[The latter half]

As you seen above. Saintlinu improved Neo's exploit. 

Saintlinu found HAURI LIVE UPDATE program at XXX Commercial companies in Korea

HAURI checked files in liveup.haz but that's all.

File's checksum is date and time when it made

therefore we can exploit that vulnerability. 

Technical Describe:


-----------[Cut Cut]--------------------------------

I higher respect Neo

Special thanks for My best group Null@root.

PS. I'm very sorry for poor my konglish