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Re: RE: Peter Gutmann data deletion theaory?

I was in charge of a stand alone, 125 user, authorised to process up to and 
including secret, network for a number of  years. Our cable infrastructure was 
fiber from server to the desktop with the only exposed piece of fiber being the 
LAN connection from PC to the box. The hard drives were removeable, were locked 
up every night and random patrols were done nightly as well.

We were not allowed to do a seven pass government wipe to dispose of the drives 
as our security people deemed it inadequate, we turned them over to our 
classified waste people who stored them until there were enough to justify 
having the platters removed and mechanicaly beaten into little lumps of metal.

It does come down to a proper Risk Threat Assesment, how valuable is your data 
and in our case how politicaly and militarily sensitive is it.

I personaly was quite happy that we were not responsible for ensuring the 
cleanliness of the drives when they went for disposal.