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Re: Oracle and setting the record straight

David Litchfield wrote:
Hey all,
I don't know whether this helps serve any purpose or not, other than the vent some of my own frustrations; however...

In the wake of the release of Alex Kornbrust's details on some Oracle flaws there has been some discussion in various places about when I supposedly did the same thing last year at Blackhat - i.e. release information on Oracle bugs in the absence of a vendor supplied patch.

For the record, I did _not_ do this.

So, setting the record straight: I was due to present a talk that centered around a batch of Oracle vulnerabilities at Blackhat last year. I gave Oracle a heads up and explained that I intended to do so and questioned whether the patches would be ready. On the day of the talk I was informed by Oracle that the patches were not ready and so when I got up on the stage I proceeeded to tell everyone exactly why I could no longer do the talk. i.e. I can't do the talk because Oracle failed to patch the problems I was going to talk about.

I did not discuss in any form or fashion the actual bugs.

FWIW, I was there, and can confirm that this is true. Indeed, Dave was put in a very awkward position, having to pull most of the content of his talk at the last minute...

Adam Laurie                         Tel: +44 (0) 20 7605 7000
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