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blogtorrent remote/local user password disclosure

noglobal ~ security http://noglobal.secnet.org/
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|_______| |_\______/_|_|_|_|_|_|_____/ You think you know? but you have no idea..
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Security Advisory 2005-0x00

Software:    BlogTorrent 0.92 <=
Vendor:      http://www.blogtorrent.com/
Author:      LazyCrs && pjphem
Date:        10/07/2005
Type:        Remote/Local User Password Disclosure

#0x01 - Description BlogTorrent

BlogTorrent is software that makes it much easier to share and download large file
useing the bittorrent protocol. That blog is easy to install, it don't require
MySQL, Blog Torrent is easy for users: even if they don't know what bitorrent is,
they get an installer that downloads the file they want,
blogtorrent makes publishing with bittorrent painless.

#0x02 - Bug

BlogTorrent puts precious information as user and password, This and' caused
because' the data related to the admin acount are saved in a text file,
it can visible with browser.

#0x03 - POC


Username (crypt in md5) ->  14ae696abdca1688dd577fe486c3981f331457b0d7
Password  (crypt in md5) ->  d7b82821fe725305bded2fab9e91ed1e0e6fd93bee

#0x04 - Solution

The solution is set the permissions on 'data/' 'torrents/' type:
chmod 700 data/ ; chmod 700 torrents/

#LazyCrs[AT]GMail[DOT]com - pjphem[AT]mybox[DOT]it