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Re: [NGSEC] AntiPharming v1.00 FREE

This technology can be thwarted by any malware that has access to the Layered Service Provider using the service provider interface. That and client side malware will also target the anti-pharming tool to modify or break the program. What happens if the target can not reach the "3 secure" dns servers? Do we successfully DoS the user?


lists@NGSEC wrote:
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NGSEC is proud to announce the new release of our new product AntiPharming v1.00 [1] TOTALLY FREE for non-commercial use.

What is Pharming?

"(...)Pharming is the exploitation of a vulnerability in the DNS server software that allows a hacker to acquire the Domain Name for a site, and to redirect traffic to that web site to another web site. DNS servers are the machines responsible for resolving internet names into their real addresses - the "signposts" of the internet.

If the web site receiving the traffic is a fake web site, such as a copy of a bank's website, it can be used to "phish" or steal a computer user's passwords, PIN number or account number.

AntiPharming Configuration For example, in January, 2005, the Domain Name for a large New York ISP, Panix, was hijacked to a site in Australia. In 2004 a German teenager hijacked the eBay.de Domain Name. Secure e-mail provider Hushmail was also caught by this attack on 24th of April 2005 when the attacker rang up the domain registrar and gained enough information to redirect users to a defaced webpage(...)" (Source WikiPedia).

What is AntiPharming?

AntiPharming uses active and passive protections for identifying and stopping Pharming (Phising variant) attacks.

AntiPharming will actively protect your windows server from pharming attacks by:

    * Denying any user (even Administrator) to write to the hosts file.
    * Denying any user (even Administrator) to change your DNS settings.

AntiPharming will passively protect your windows server from pharming attacks by sniffing on each netowrk interface for DNS replies (both TCP and UDP) and recheck them against at least with three secure DNS nameservers.

AntiPharming is TOTALLY FREE for non-commercial use.

This e-mail has been signed with labs@NGSEC PGP key available at:


[1]  http://www.ngsec.com/ngproducts/antipharming/

Best Regards,

- ---
C\ O'donnell 46, 3º B
28009 - Madrid, SPAIN
Tel: +34 91 435 56 27
Fax: +34 91 577 84 45

Version: GnuPG v1.4.1 (GNU/Linux)


Best Regards,
Lance James
Secure Science Corporation
Author of 'Phishing Exposed'
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