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Re: tcpdump(/ethereal)[]: (RSVP) rsvp_print() infinite loop DOS.

Vade 79 <v9@xxxxxxxxxxx> writes:

>  * effected versions:                                             *
>  *  tcpdump: v3.8.x/v3.9.1/CVS (didn't check below 3.8.x)         *

This affects 3.8.x versions only, tcpdump 3.7 and earlier versions do
not have a RSVP dissector.  The 3.9 branch is currently in alpha testing
and not used anywhere as far as I know.

 : :' :        Romain Francoise <rfrancoise@xxxxxxxxxx>
 `. `'         http://people.debian.org/~rfrancoise/

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