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MailEnable HTTPS Buffer Overflow [x0n3-h4ck]

-=[                                               ]=-
-=[     MailEnable Enterprise & Pro remote BoF    ]=-
-=[                                               ]=-
-=[  Author: CorryL           www.x0n3-h4ck.org   ]=-
-=[                                               ]=-

-=[+] Application:    MailEnable HTTPMail (MEHTTPS.EXE)
-=[+] Version:        (Enterprise <= 1.04)-(Professional <= 1.54)
-=[+] Vendor's URL:   http://www.mailenable.com/
-=[+] Platform:       Windows
-=[+] Bug type:       Buffer overflow
-=[+] Exploitation:   Remote/Local
-=[+] Author:         CorryL  ~ corryl80[at]gmail[dot]com ~
-=[+] Reference:      www.x0n3-h4ck.org ~ irc.xoned.net #x0n3-h4ck

..::[ Descriprion ]::..

MailEnable's mail server software provides a powerful,
scalable hosted messaging platform for Microsoft Windows.
MailEnable offers stability, unsurpassed flexibility and
an extensive feature set which allows you to provide
cost-effective mail services.

..::[ Bug ]::..

This software affection from a buffer overflow on Header Field Definitions
"Authorization: ",
what it would allow to perform some arbitrary code inside the system victim

..::[ Proof Of Concept ]::..

GET / HTTP/1.0
Authorization: Ax270

..::[ Exploit ]::..


..::[ Workaround ]::..

There is no workaround

..::[ Path or Fix ]::..


..::[ Disclousure Timeline ]::..

[21/04/2005] - Vendor notification
[22/04/2005] - Vendor Response
[22/04/2005] - Patch relase from vendor
[24/04/2005] - Public disclousure

Italian Security Team
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Tel (+39) 06452215277
irc.xoned.net #x0n3-h4ck

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