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serendipity SQL Injection vulnerability

ADZ Security Team

Program: serentdipity web blog system
Version: 0.8beta4
Module:  exit.php
Bug type: SQL Injection
Vendor site: http://www.s9y.org/
Vendor Informed: Yes
Bug Info

// code start
$links = serendipity_db_query("SELECT link FROM
{$serendipity['dbPrefix']}references WHERE id = {$_GET['url_id']} AND
entry_id = {$_GET['entry_id']}", true);
// no checks here...
 if (is_array($links) && isset($links['link'])) {
        // URL is valid. Track it.
        $url = $links['link'];
if (serendipity_isResponseClean($url)) {
    header('HTTP/1.0 301 Moved Permanently');
    header('Location: ' . $url);

// code end

As we see, if we insert some "bad" sql-code into $_GET['url_id'] or
$_GET['entry_id'], server returns in header "Location: xxxx", where is
possible to be an account login/passwd hash :)
Sorry my english :)

See exploit in attached adz_serendipity.pl


ADZ Security Team
URL: http://adz.void.ru/
IRC: #adz @ QuakeNet
MAIL: kre0n@xxxxxxx, adz.kreon@xxxxxxxxx (for non-russian users)

Attachment: adz_serendipity.pl
Description: Binary data