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Directory transversal, sql injection and xss vulnerabilities in RadBids Gold v2

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Dcrab 's Security Advisory
[Hsc Security Group] http://www.hackerscenter.com/
[dP Security] http://digitalparadox.org/

Get Dcrab's Services to audit your Web servers, scripts, networks, etc. Learn 
more at http://www.digitalparadox.org/services.ah

Severity: Medium
Title: Directory transversal, sql injection and xss vulnerabilities in RadBids 
Gold v2
Date: 09/04/2005

Vendor: RadScripts
Vendor Website: http://www.radbids.com
Summary: There are, directory transversal, sql injection and xss 
vulnerabilities in radbids gold v2.

Proof of Concept Exploits: 

Directory Transversal

SELECT id, area, radbids_listings.moderated, name, type, featured, hot, urgent, 
detailview, viewcount, COUNT(radbids_bids.pid) AS bids, AVG(radbids_bids.price) 
AS average, MAX(radbids_bids.dateposted) AS lastbid, 
radbids_listings.dateposted, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(radbids_listings.dateposted) AS 
pdate, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(dateexpire)-UNIX_TIMESTAMP(NOW()) AS timeleft, 
radbids_rate.avgrate, min_bid, bid_inc, buynow, dateawarded, listing_type FROM 
radbids_listings LEFT JOIN radbids_bids ON radbids_listings.id=radbids_bids.pid 
LEFT JOIN radbids_rate ON radbids_listings.id=radbids_rate.pid WHERE GROUP BY 
id ORDER BY name, dateposted DESC LIMIT 0,25
You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your 
MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'GROUP BY id ORDER BY 
name, dateposted DESC LIMIT 0,25' at line 28
SELECT id, area, radbids_listings.moderated, name, type, featured, hot, urgent, 
detailview, viewcount, COUNT(radbids_bids.pid) AS bids, AVG(radbids_bids.price) 
AS average, MAX(radbids_bids.dateposted) AS lastbid, 
radbids_listings.dateposted, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(dateexpire)-UNIX_TIMESTAMP(NOW()) 
AS timeleft, radbids_rate.avgrate, min_bid, bid_inc, buynow, dateawarded, 
listing_type FROM radbids_listings LEFT JOIN radbids_bids ON 
radbids_listings.id=radbids_bids.pid LEFT JOIN radbids_rate ON 
radbids_listings.id=radbids_rate.pid WHERE GROUP BY id ORDER BY name, 
dateposted DESC
You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your 
MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'GROUP BY id ORDER BY 
name, dateposted DESC' at line 27

Pops cookie

Pops cookie

Pops cookie

Pops cookie

Possible Fixes: The usage of htmlspeacialchars(), mysql_escape_string(), 
mysql_real_escape_string() and other functions for input validation before 
passing user input to the mysql database, or before echoing data on the screen, 
would solve these problems.

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These vulnerabilties have been found and released by Diabolic Crab, Email: 
dcrab[AT|NOSPAM]hackerscenter[DOT|NOSPAM]com, please feel free to contact me 
regarding these vulnerabilities. You can find me at, 
http://www.hackerscenter.com or http://digitalparadox.org/. Lookout for my soon 
to come out book on Secure coding with php.
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