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Multiple sql injection, and xss vulnerabilities in Pay pal Storefront

 Dcrab 's Security Advisory

Severity: High
Title: Multiple sql injection, and xss vulnerabilities in Pay pal Storefront
Date: March 25, 2005

There are multiple sql injection, xss vulnerabilities in the Pay pal Storefront script.

Proof of Concept Exploits:

http://www.esmistudio.com/hv/ecdis/pages.php?idpages='SQL INJECTION
You have an error in your SQL syntax. Check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '\'SQL INJECTION' at line 1

http://www.esmistudio.com/hv/ecdis/products1.php?id=6&id2='SQL INJECTION&subcat=Asus&p=products1
You have an error in your SQL syntax. Check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '\'SQL INJECTION ORDER BY title ASC LIMIT 0, 9' at line 1

 This shows the cookie data. Possible fix: The usage of htmlspeacialchars(), 
mysql_escape_string(),mysql_real_escape_string() and other functions for input validation 
beforepassing user input to the mysql database, or before echoing data on thescreen, would 
solve these problems. Author: These vulnerabilties have been found and released by Diabolic 
Crab, Email:dcrab[AT|NOSPAM]hackersenter[DOT|NOSPAM]com, please feel free to contact 
meregarding these vulnerabilities. You can find me at,http://www.hackerscenter.com or 
http://icis.digitalparadox.org/~dcrab.Lookout for my soon to come out book on Secure coding 
with php.